CAPNUTRA members are involved in the projects in capacity development, dissemination and spreading of excellence, IT support and advisory for Balkan countries.
Ongoing Projects:
Fork-to-farm agent-based simulation tool augmenting BIOdiversity in the agri-food VALUE chain, 2021-2025
CAPNUTRA in BioValue project
BioValue announced as a project of the month in CORDIS,
November 2022!
2nd BioValue Newsletter
3rd BioValue Newsletter
Flayer “CAPNUTRA and BIOVALUE” – for experts
Flayer “CAPNUTRA and BIOVALUE ” – for general population
1. Recipe booklet- food products
2. Recipe booklet- food dishes
Tackling Micronutrient Malnutrition and Hidden Hunger to Improve Health in the EU, 2024-2028
Diverse faces of Hidden Hunger Key message: “Micronutrient deficiencies don’t discriminate. Up to 70% of Europeans across all walks of life may be at risk but the true prevalence is unknown.
The Zero Hidden Hunger EU project is working to develop the evidence we need for policy makers to ensure everyone has access to the nutrients they need.
On this World Food Day, visit our website to discover our fight against hidden hunger.”
World Food Day Campaign Sci Food Health finals
Reshaping nutrition across Europe
Accelerating the dietary shift from animal-based to alternative dietary proteins
– Giant Leaps accelerates the transition to alternative proteins Newsletter 1
– Giant Leaps Consortium internal Newsletter 2
– Giant Leaps in VALPRO Path Newsletter 3
– Giant Leaps at the EFFoST International Conference 12th-14th November, Belgium Newslatter 4
– News and Event
– Giant Leaps at Conference on Alternative Proteins for Food and Feed Newsletter 5
Giant Leaps-Reshaping nutrition across Europe
EFSA project Creation of Open Access EU Food Composition Database (EU FCDB)(2022-2025)
FAO Regional Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP) Enhancing analytical evidence on diet and nutrition challenges from food systems perspectives in response to COVID-19 (TCP/RER/3805) (2021-2023) Regional technical meeting on food system based dietary guidelines (FSBDG) development, 7th-9th November 2023 Belgrade, Serbia
The event website was launched on the FAO-REU platform:
Regional technical meeting on food systems based dietary guidelines development
FAO-CAPNUTRA LoA “Food system analysis and capacity development on food based dietary guidelines in five selected countries in Europe and Central Asia” under the framework of the regional project
- Five country assessment (Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Montenegro, Serbia and Uzbekistan) on the nature and causes of changing dietary patterns through a food system lens
- Support the capacity development activities related to FBDGs in three countries (Kyrgyzstan, Montenegro and Serbia)
Sustainability of the platforms for monitoring population food consumption habits and pilot study on web – and computer – based 24h dietary recall tools (2021-2023) DAP (Diet Assess & Plan) FCDB (Food Composition Data Management Tool) FFQ/FPQ (Food Frequency and Food Propensity Questionnaires) FoodAtlas 24HDR (24 Hour Dietary Recall)
“Awareness raising on the food system approach to address malnutrition ”FAO ISC Project “Programme support for the role of food systems in the transition of diets and prevention of malnutrition in the ECA region“ (2019-2020) Workshop (ZOOM online event), 27th October 2020, Belgrade, Serbia Workshop on “Awareness raising on the food system approach to address malnutrition” (FAO ISC Project)
FAO BOOK: EDITORs-Fang, C. & Gurinović, M., eds. 2023. Sustainable and nutrition-sensitive food systems for healthy diets and prevention of malnutrition in Europe and Central Asia. Budapest, FAO.
FAO REU LoA 2018
Symposium on sustainable food systems for healthy diets in countries of Central and South Eastern Europe (CSEE) with integrated training on food consumption data collection and strengthening the thematic regional networking, 15th-17th October 2018, Belgrade, Serbia (organization and implementation of a 3 -day symposium)
Reference: Mirjana Gurinović, Jelena Milešević, Milica Zeković, Maria Glibetić, Marina Nikolić, Raimund Jehle,Eleonora Dupouy, Cheng Fang, Keigo Obara, Marija Ranić, Marija Knez, Pieter van’t Veer, Challenges and opportunities to support food systems transformations for healthy and sustainable diets in central and southeastern Europe page ; 51-95 in : Fang, C. & Gurinović, M., eds. 2023. Sustainable and nutrition-sensitive food systems for healthy diets and prevention of malnutrition in Europe and Central Asia. Budapest, FAO.
Belgrade Declaration for strengthening regional capacities on sustainable food systems for healthy diets and nutrition in central and southeastern Europe
Chapter 1
EFSA project
Past Projects:
- FP7 ODIN – Food – based solutions for Optimal vitamin D Nutrition and health through the life cycle, 2013 – 2017
- FP7 CHANCE – Low Cost technologies and traditional ingredients for the production of Affordable, Nutritionally correct, Convenient foods enhancing health in population groups at risk of poverty, 2011 – 2014
- FP7 EuroFIR – Nexus, Food platform for further integration, refinement and exploitation for its long – term self – sustainability, 2011 – 2013 (
- EURRECA – Harmonizing nutrient recommendations across Europe with special focus on vulnerable groups and consumer understanding, 2007 – 2012
- FP6 NoE EuroFIR – European Food Information Resource Network, 2006 – 2011