Belgrade, Serbia 2023
FAO&CAPNUTRA- Regional technical meeting on food system based dietary guidelines (FSBDG) development, 7 th – 9 th November 2023 Belgrade, SerbiaAgenda

Belgrade, Serbia 2023
1st National Workshop – The road towards national Food System Based Dietary Guidelines for Serbia, 21st – 22nd February 2023, Belgrade, Serbia

Belgrade, Serbia 2023
2nd Workshop – The road towards National Food System Based Dietary Guidelines for Serbia 21st – 22nd September 2023 Hotel Metropol, Belgrade

Workshop (ZOOM online event), 27th October 2020, Belgrade, Serbia
Final Agenda and Concept Note
Concept Note (in Serbian)
FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia

41sth FAO Conference Zero Hunger Side Event Zero Hunger in Europe and Central Asia “Progress on food security and nutrition stagnates in Europe and Central Asia” FAO HQ Wednesday, Rome, Italy, 26th June 2019

Reference: Mirjana Gurinović, Jelena Milešević, Milica Zeković, Maria Glibetić, Marina Nikolić, Raimund Jehle,Eleonora Dupouy, Cheng Fang, Keigo Obara, Marija Ranić, Marija Knez, Pieter van’t Veer, Challenges and opportunities to support food systems transformations for healthy and sustainable diets in central and southeastern Europe page ; 51-95 in : Fang, C. & Gurinović, M., eds. 2023. Sustainable and nutrition-sensitive food systems for healthy diets and prevention of malnutrition in Europe and Central Asia. Budapest, FAO.
Belgrade Declaration for strengthening regional capacities on sustainable food systems for healthy diets and nutrition in central and southeastern Europe

CAPNUTRA Symposium 11th - 12th September 2017, Belgrade, Serbia

CAPNUTRA First Symposium 21st - 23rd January 2013, Belgrade, Serbia
Final Report

6th Meeting/Workshop of the UNU/SCN 25th - 26th May 2011, Belgrade, Serbia
Final Report

Regional Workshop 11th June 2010, Belgrade, Serbia

The 5th Meeting of the UNU/SCN 11th - 12th November 2009, Belgrade, Serbia
Final Agenda
Final Report
List of Participants
Report on the BaseFood Food Indexing Training Course

4th Meeting of the UNU/SCN 10th - 12th November 2008, Belgrade, Serbia
Final Report

3rd Meeting of the UNU/SCN 1st - 2nd November 2007, Belgrade, Serbia
Final Report

The 2nd meeting of the UNU/SCN, 16th - 17th November 2006, Budapest, FAO SEUR Office
Network for Capacity Development in Nutrition Central and Eastern Europe
Final Report

Inaugural meeting on the 13th - 14th February 2006, Budapest, FAO SEUR Office

Kick-off meeting, 19th May 2005, Budapest, FAO SEUR Office
For a capacity development initiative in nutrition in CEE
Final report