From 2005 until nowadays, first NCDNCEE followed by CAPNUTRA established partnership and fruitful collaboration with different actors in food and nutrition from Europe and other regions.
From the beginning the collaboration was established with the FAO Subregional and later FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia, Budapest, Hungary.
FAO hosted the first three meetings and provided valuable contribution in funds, professional capacity and website development.
FAO publications
2. FAO, Sustainable food systems, Concept and framework (FAO, Održivi prehrambeni sistemi, Koncept i okvir)
3. FAO, 2020. Europe and Central Asia: Regional food market situation and policy bulletin in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Issue 2. Rome (Evropa i Centralna Azija: Situacija na regionalnom tržištu hrane i politike kao odgovor na pandemiju KOVIDA-19)
4. FAO, WHO, THE NUTRITION CHALLENGE, FOOD SYSTEMSOLUTIONS (FAO, WHO, Izazov za prehrambenu industriju rešenja za prehrambeni sistem)
5. FAO and WHO. 2019. Sustainable healthy diets – Guiding principles. Rome (FAO i WHO. 2019. Održiva zdrava ishrana – Vodeći principi)
6. UNICEF, Food systems for Children and Adolescent, Working Together to Secure Nutritious Diets, Adolescents UNICEF Office of Research Innocenti, Florence, Italy 5–7 November 2018 SUMMARY REPORT (UNICEF, Prehrambeni sistemi za decu i adolescente, Zajednički rad na osiguranju hranljive ishrane za decu i adolescente)
7. The Food Systems Dashboard is a new tool to inform better food policy (Kontrolna tabla prehrambenih sistema je novi alat za informisanje o boljim prehrambenim politikama)